Friday, December 19, 2008

Preschool Christmas Program

The girls just had their Christmas program at preschool. All the kids were supposed to wear red. They sang a lot of songs, a lot of them with sign language and some with bells and drums. Grandma Bennett got to come and watch too. At the end they went around and said what they like about Christmas, saying and signing it. Lizzy was the first to go and Ali was the last to go. Lizzy said, "We like Christmas lights." And Ali said, "We like Christmas reindeer's." Everyone thought Ali was so cute because she is the youngest and littlest in the class. Their teacher told me awhile ago that Ali is their mascot for the class because everyone wants to be her friend and calls her, "little cutie." But they both did a great job. Afterwards we went to Carl's Jr. for lunch and let the kids play on the slides.


Calley said...

Many things (as always):
2) I LOVE Ali's boots! And of course I still love their hair and want to cut mine like theirs :)
3) Poor Aiden! I would've cried too. Thank goodness for Shae's hookups!
4)We're too poor to send cards, so pretend I sent you one, okay?!
5) I need to call you soon. I have the best story EVER! *suspense*
6) I love your guts!
7) I have a pirated website to send your way (via Japan) where you can watch the Twilight movie on your computer. I'm so naughty!

Sarah... said...

You got some good pictures! Ali is famous ya know. I hear about it from Drew's class! She's such a doll. Lizzy is growing out of the little girl look. She's getting so big. I adore their haircuts! Super cute. I wish we could have seen your program. The kids amaze me! They learn so fast. Drew LOVES school. He's bummed (so am I...) that he has two weeks off!