Friday, December 19, 2008


It was bound to of our children getting stitches. It just happened to be our youngest child who is almost 14 months old. So Wednesday night I was giving Aiden a bath. After the bath I set him on the bathroom floor and put a towel on him. Then he started to walk away and he slipped on the floor and hit his head, right above his eyebrow, on the edge of the tile, where the tile from the bathroom and the carpet from the hallway meet. As soon as I picked him up and saw his cut I knew he needed stitches. Shae confirmed my diagnosis. I then started crying because I felt so bad for Aiden. Aiden, however, stopped crying pretty quickly. Lizzy also started crying and saying that she didn't want Aiden to get stitches. We had to explain to her that stitches will help the wound heal better and quicker than not having them. So I then called my Mom to see if she could come over and watch the girls and Shae called one of the doctors he works for to see if he could stitch Aiden up. So Shae and I took Aiden to their doctor's office. I was still crying a little in the car as we drove over. Aiden wasn't crying at all. But I pulled it together before we got there. Anyway I ended up holding Aiden to my chest while he first got a shot to numb the area and then 6 stitches. The worst part was getting the shot. Aiden would cry off and on during the stitches because he new something was going on. At one point though he actually almost fell asleep because he was so tired! I didn't cry at all while at the office. But Aiden is doing well and doesn't realize he has stitches in. Shae will pull them out sometime on Monday. I am grateful for all the connections we have with many doctors. We didn't have to take Aiden to the emergency room and wait forever and pay that bill. Shae also says that ER doctors don't stitch very well either.


Sarah... said...

Aaww...poor little Aiden! And Poor Mom! That's hard on a mom. I think I always cry more for my kids. Look at his adorable smile, though! He's such a cute little guy.