Monday, August 11, 2008


Aiden is now 9 months old! Time is sure flying by. So Aiden now crawls all over the place. He likes to bear crawl a lot. He also pulls himself up to stand up. He follows his sisters around the house and can't wait until he can really play with them. Aiden is getting so many teeth in right now, I can't believe it! He will soon have 6 teeth, 3 on top and 3 on bottom. I think I might see 2 more that are about to break out. Even though Aiden is pretty miserable because his teeth and gums hurt, I am kind of glad that he is getting so many teeth right now because he has recently decided he no longer likes baby food and wants to eat what we are eating. He also likes feeding himself. So I try cut the food that we are eating up really small. I just hope he is getting enough calories. Luckily he still likes baby cereal. As 9 month old boys go, I guess Aiden is on the small end. He just had his 9 month appointment. He weighs 18 pounds now, which is only the 13th percentile. For height he is in the 25th percentile. The only thing that matters is that he is healthy. He loves to smile a lot and he still thinks his big sisters are hilarious.


Sarah... said...

He's so handsome, Jen! What a cute smile and beautiful eyes. He has grown a TON since I saw him last.