Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Girl's Haircut

I decided it was time Lizzy got her hair cut because it was always ratty and stringy and not looking too cute unless it was pulled back all the time. I had a couple coupons for kid's haircuts at David Douglas Salon, who had cut my hair and I loved it, so I told Lizzy we were going to get her hair cut. Lizzy was scared and wanted Ali to get her hair cut first. I wasn't planning on cutting Ali's hair, but I thought it would be worth it to get Lizzy's done. So Ali went first and was really brave as usual. She loved sitting on the booster seat on the special hair cutting chair. Lizzy went next and I had them wash her hair since at bath time I had already planned on getting her hair cut so we didn't wash it that night. But Lizzy had to lay on my lap while they washed her hair because she was nervous. Then she got her hair cut. She did really well. Both Ali and Lizzy got an A-line cut. I think it looks great on both of them. I think the haircut really soot's Ali because she doesn't like anything in her hair. I wish they didn't cut Lizzy's hair that short, but it will grow out and I still think it looks cute!


Laura said...

The hair cuts are super cute! I love that look, and it looks good on any age! So cute.

Mother 25 - 8 said...

Jen, your family's beautiful!! You look great by the way. Have a good one!